Comments on: New York Strip Steak the eating effect Thu, 18 May 2023 15:17:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: MaryAnn Thu, 18 May 2023 15:17:35 +0000

Good recipe. I would also add to the list of steaks gone wrong, over done shoe leather. Timing is crucial to a perfectly done steak. Especially in these days of high beef prices, where most steaks that are accessible to the average cook, are cut even thinner than they used to be. It makes it much harder to hit the sweet spot of doneness desired. Also steak, like most whole poultry and roasts, continues to cook after it’s removed from the heat, and resting to redistribute the juices. Restaurants deal with that issue all the time. In my area there is no butcher shop to cut steaks to proper thickness, to order. Very few people have the time to drive 50-60 miles each way to purchase, hand cut to order steaks, and definitely don’t have the wealth to do this on a regular basis. But this is a great way to prepare any steaks you can find, you just have to adjust the timing, and the heat of the grill you’re using to get it right. It takes practice, to judge the size and thickness of a steak by eyeballing it, and obtain perfect results every time.
